If you’d rather just get to the plant-buying, here’s the SparkNotes: buy one of these plants, and every dollar that you spend directly supports abortion access throughout the United States.
But we do have an origin story, and it all started because we had a houseplant problem.
We (Hannah and Kristen—hi!) live in a pretty small space, and plants already cover every surface that gets sunlight, but I really like propagating them (taking cuttings, helping them grow roots, and then repotting them. It’s science magic.) That means the brood is constantly growing, so Math told us that we had to find a way to get them out of our house, and into other people’s.
Enter Propagative Justice: we propagate our plants (and cuttings that have been donated by other people), pot them into recycled cans, and deliver them to their new home. Every plant comes with a suggested donation, and every dollar of that donation goes to the National Network of Abortion Funds.
Why the NNAF? Because they help overcome the creative, often-bonkers barriers that states have put between pregnant people and abortion care.
There are abortion funds all across the country. Some serve specific areas, from Iowa to Texas to New York. Others focus on underserved populations like undocumented immigrants and indigenous people. The funds help individuals to pay for an abortion when they need one.
Sometimes the financial barriers are really straightforward: it’s illegal for abortion care to be covered by Medicaid or any other federally-funded programs. But some states have been more creative in their access-blocking: if they shut down all but one abortion clinic, and then require a 24-hour waiting period to actually receive the care, that can require even more expenses: three days off of work and two-nights in a hotel.
The funds recognize that every state has unique barriers to access and every pregnant person has unique needs. They provide individual grants so pregnant people can get the access they need.